Monday, November 12, 2012

Outside The Walls

This week I will be participating in the Arkansas Women Bloggers Thanksblogging Challenge. Today's challenge was to use PicMonkey photo editor and edit a picture of something you are thankful for.

I am thankful that we live in a neighborhood that has wonderful wildlife for us to watch and listen to. All we have to do is walk out our front or back door to have great nature walks!


  1. Great photo. We have a few deer, raccoons, armadillos, groundhogs and squirrels we can send your way. I just know they would love to have a photo made by you:)

  2. Thank you everyone for your comments! This was my first time using something to edit my pictures. It really does make a difference.

  3. so graceful! Deer are such precious creatures. My mom's front yard is filled with them every morning and evening, including buck! btw, did you see you were listed in the top 10 at HSBA?

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