Saturday, May 21, 2016

A Cozy Home of Peace and Rest

The sun is setting and you are snuggled on the couch with your family. You are reading from the Bible and sipping hot chocolate as the fire flickers and bounces shadows on the wall. It’s been a hectic day but a fulfilling one. You have accomplished most of what you wanted for the day, so now it’s time to relax together as a family.
Is this what the normal end to your day looks like? Or are you rushing around after finally getting the kids in bed and cleaning the house, only to fall into bed exhausted?
I want my home to be a place my family gathers at the end of a hard day for peace and rest. But how can your home be a place of peace and rest when you are not rested or you don’t feel at peace? Grab a cup of coffee and head over to Come Fill Your Cup to find out. 

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Dealing With Sensory Processing Disorder

I am over at Molly Green talking about my oldest son's struggle with SPD. I would love to have you come and offer any comments or ask any questions you may have.